Steam Therapy

All Massages at Shannon Hendricks Healing Arts come with 15 minutes of Powerful Steam Therapy to aid you on your health journey. See the benefits below! Stay tuned for more amazing body treatments!

Health Benefits of Steam Therapy

  • Weight Loss
  • Detoxification
  • Beautiful Skin
  • Stress Relief
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Joint Pain Relief
  • Eases Sore Muscles
  • Relieves Allergies/Asthma
  • Improves Circulation
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Immunity Booster

Health Benefits Of Steam Therapy Using The Steamy Wonder Spa™ Portable Sauna

Since ancient times, steam therapy has been used by traditional healing systems around the world to improve and maintain good health and beauty. Turkish baths, Indian sweat lodges, Finnish saunas, Japanese steam rooms-these are just a few examples of cultures that harness the power of steam.

Steam bathing is recognized as an effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions-mild depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, nicotine addiction, hypertension, chronic pain, respiratory conditions, and cardiovascular disease.

Purification And Maximum Detox With A Portable Steam Sauna And Steam Therapy

Clients are increasingly aware of the wide variety of toxins that may be in their bodies, including herbicides, pesticides, food additives, air pollution, and household chemicals. When ingested, these chemicals can remain in the body for years, altering our metabolism, causing enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, creating hormonal imbalances and lowering our threshold of resistance to chronic disease. Today, studies show that most of us have between 400 and 800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. When our bodies exceed the limit that we can excrete, we begin to store these toxins. The Maximum Purification and Detox Treatment along with Steamy Wonder Portable Steam Sauna provide the ultimate detoxification.

Stress Reduction And Steamy Wonder Spa™ Treatments

The most immediate benefit of a Steamy Wonder Spa™ Portable Sauna treatment is relaxation. In just a few minutes the gentle warmth of the Steamy Wonder Spa™ softens hard knots of stress by loosening up all the muscles and allows the clients to deeply relax in the privacy and silence of the Steamy Wonder Spa™. With the addition of our custom, dried herbal blends placed directly into the steam generator your client will experience deeper benefits of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Relief From Joint Pain

Steam therapy has been used for hundreds of years by many cultures in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, joint stiffness and muscle spasms.

Steam Therapy And Respiratory Conditions

Steam inhalation is an effective treatment in respiratory conditions and is highly recommended for treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies and asthma.

Steam Therapy For Circulation And Inflammation

Steam therapy assists in alleviating inflammation and edema. The increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help eliminate the edema which helps to end inflammation, decrease pain and help speed the healing process.

Boosting The Immune System With Steam Therapy

Traditionally, the benefits of steaming include increased energy, decreased incidence of infections, and fewer colds and flu’s. Many regular steam or sauna bathers have experienced that a good long sweat bath at the early onset of a cold or flu can help ward off the disease before it manifests as actual symptoms.

Weight Loss And Cellulite Loss Benefits And Steamy Wonder

A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams of sweat in a sauna-the equivalent of running three to four miles or 475 to 600 calories. While the weight of the water loss is regained by re-hydration, the calories burned are not.

How Steam And Treatment Packages Help You Lose Weight And Reduce Cellulite

As you relax in the Steamy Wonder Spa™, your body is actually working hard to eliminate toxins and burn fat. Weight loss becomes possible because body fat becomes water soluble at 110 degrees and the body can sweat out fats, toxins, and heavy metals. During a heat treatment your heart works harder pumping blood at a greater rate to boost circulation, supplying the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase. Because the metabolism rate increases during the Steamy Wonder™ treatment you are burning calories, not just water!

Steam and Cellulite reduction..The skin is our body’s largest organ and is essential in eliminating impurities. As we sweat in the Steamy Wonder Spa™ the skin pores begin to open and built-up sebum and impurities move out. Dead skin cells are softened and exfoliated as new softer skin can emerge.

Effective cellulite reduction can be achieved by increasing circulation, stimulating metabolism, detoxifying and eliminating excess fluids. The Steamy Wonder Spa™ used in conjunction with detoxifying mud and essential oils and/or manual manipulation of the tissues accelerate effective cellulite reduction.

How Steam Improves The Skin

The skin is our body’s largest organ and is essential in eliminating impurities. As we sweat in the Steamy Wonder Spa™, the skin pores begin to open and built-up sebum and impurities move out. Dead skin cells are softened and exfoliated as new softer skin can emerge.

The result is that many common skin conditions improve with periodic or regular Steamy Wonder Spa™ treatments:

  • Acne: Perspiration emulsifies the fat of the sebaceous glands, clearing them of sebum and bacteria which is excellent for acne.
  • Anti-Aging: Exfoliation treatments with the Steamy Wonder™ open the pores, allowing the superficial and deep layers of the skin to be receptive to the nutrients in natural skin care products. The deep penetration of vitamins, minerals and moisturizers help restore and maintain skin elasticity and tone. The steam creates a seal on the skin’s surface, enclosing the nutrients within the layers of the skin where they may be absorbed and processed.
  • Dry Skin and Wrinkles: Increased blood supply rushes fluids to skin’s surface enhancing the development of collagen and filling in the spaces around cells, plumping up wrinkles. Stimulating the skin on a regular basis helps combat the collagen breakdown that generally results in aging and sagging skin. The resulting effect is deeply moisturized, hydrant skin.

Muscle Pain Relief

Steam therapy using the Steamy Wonder Spa™ has been found to significantly reduce muscular pain and spasms. Pain is found to be alleviated in just one session and the benefit can last for several days after the treatment. Regular steam treatments 2 to 3 times per week have shown to have profound relief for those having muscle pain due to injury, menstruation pain, headaches, fibromyalgia and low back pain.